The Great British Budget

Join the Great British Budget Challenge

It's time to take charge of your money and join me
during February for the Great British Budget Campaign. 
I have taken part in the campaign aimed to get people like you
and me to start budgeting! 

A recent study has shown that two thirds of people in the UK fail to budget.
So if your struggling to make ends meet in the run up to pay day or if you have something
special you want to save up for,than sorting out a budget can make sure that 
your money goes more further.

I decided to get involved as although me and the hubby do budget I know there
are further ways to make our money last longer. 
I mean do we really need to go to the supermarket every evening? 
Do we really need that magazine or that bar of Chocolate? 
Nope, so for February my aim is to cut down on
unnecessary spending and as our anniversary is coming up
next week to enjoy budget celebrations. 

By signing up to the Great British Budget challenge you’ll be sent tips, updates and stories
to keep you motivated. 
 You can even join in with the twitter photo challenge  (see below) which gives you a chance to win £50 high street vouchers. 

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