Hi, thank you for taking the time to read my little space on the net.
Joanna Victoria is a parenting and lifestyle blog. You will find a mixture of posts from Mental Health to Books. I also feature our adventures as a family along with our experiences of autism.
Us as a family:
We are a family of 3 there is Joanna the writer of this blog, Stuart the husband and our son B. We live in a 2/3 bed house we own in Lincolnshire after relocating here from Bedfordshire back in February 2019.
Stuart is a collector of retro game consoles, loves sonic the hedgehog and enjoys listening to 80's music on repeat. He also often gets alot of eye rolls because of he constantly cracks jokes and for his sarcastic whit.
B is such a caring and affectionate little boy who is also rather cheeky. He is at his happiest when outside especially at the park.
At home with The Bayfords
At Home With The Bayfords is a new blog focusing on home related content where I can share tips on home living, home hacks, interior inspiration plus more home and garden related posts. If you are a fan of these topics than definitely head on over for a read.