Last week at 9 weeks old Blake had his first lot of immunizations.
It was really horrible seeing my little man cry so much.
He was given one orally and then had two injections in his little legs.
I am dreading the next lot that I need to book in for him when he is 13 weeks old.
Sleep is going really well and its not taking him as long to settle at night.
Once we have turned out the lights and put on the light on his slumber buddy Eddie the Elephant he falls asleep within 30 mins or so.
He is also awake more during the day now and sleeping for 7/8 hours a night.
He is drinking his milk really well and will be having 180ml, 6 times a day up until he is 4 months old.
He loves his dummy still and it really works to help him settle when he is really upset.
We attempted using cloth nappies as they now fit but his legs aren't chunky enough so they leak a little so have gone back to disposables for now.
In disposables he now is wearing size 2.
Development wise Blake is moving his arms and legs around loads and is even more of a wiggle bum.
He still isn't keen on tummy time, I have tried him again on his mat today but he starts to push up with his little legs and then starts crying.
He is much happier when resting his head and chilling out as above.
He loves babbling and cooing away having conversations with both Mummy and Daddy.