When it comes to having children lets face it you are going to end up with tons more laundry to deal with.
In fact since having Blake I have been having to put a load on every day.
On average Blake goes through approx 2-3 tops a day, 1-2 pairs of trousers and
1-2 sleepsuits.
At one point when he was newborn it was even more ,and once weaning gets underway I am sure even more washing will need to be done.
We have to keep up with the washing as otherwise it gets out of hand and we end up with too much to wash and dry at once.
Since we live in a flat its hard to get clothing dry quickly which is even more reason to try and keep on top of it.
One thing that also comes with having babies and children is the amount of clothes stains you end up having to deal with.
When it comes to stains I go to Vanish as they are a brand that I have used many times before and know that their products work well with removing tough stains.
Now that we are starting to wean Blake I know we are going to have deal with a lot more stains on his clothing.
Weaning is going to be a fun but messy time so it's a great idea to use a good stain remover such as vanish.
We are lucky in our flat that we only have carpet in our bedrooms which means that we don't have
too many rooms to worry about the carpets.
With living in a rented home we have more of a reason to make sure that the carpets we do have
are clean and stain free.
I am glad that Vanish also have a carpet cleaning product in their range
for peace of mind when the time comes, that we need it.