Blake has had a dummy since he was about 4 weeks old. We are lucky though that he only really has his dummy during nap time and bed time. Now that Blake is over the age one we no longer have to sterilise bottles etc, however we choose to continue to sterilise his dummies.
One of the best ways to do this is with the Milton Mini Steriliser. We love the Milton brand and you may have read my post on their sterilising tablets and wipes.We only recently got the Milton mini steriliser and we so wish we had got this much sooner.
The Milton mini steriliser is a sterilisation device designed to provide you with convenience and ease of mind whenever you're on the move. As it's watertight and compact it can be easily put in your changing bag. We have used ours at home so that we no longer have to have our big steriliser out just for Blake's dummies.
All you have to do is fill it up to the line with water and then add a sterlising tablet that comes with it into the water add the dummies, pop on the lid and off you go!
Once inside it takes 15 minutes for your dummies to be sterlised. It also comes with a strap that allows you to attach the device to your pushchair. The Milton mini steriliser comes in two colors : Blue and White and Pink and White.
What do you think of the Milton mini steriliser?
Would you find it handy if your little one uses a dummy?