Our bedtime tips and routine

When it comes to sleep Blake has always been relatively good.
He started sleeping through the night at about six weeks old and only wakes up during the
night very occasionally. 

I'm a believer that sticking to a good routine is key when it comes to children so that they feel safe and secure. 
Blake's routine is near enough the same every night. 

Here is our routine: 

Blake has a bath every 2 nights and he has had this routine since he was
quite young and we try and stick at it unless something crops up and we don't have time to bath at night. 

Getting changed for bed
Once Blake has had a bath we dry him and get him in a clean nappy and his PJ's and sleeping bag

Brushing teeth
We make sure that part of his routine is that we brush his teeth as its
so important to start getting into the habit. 

Bedtime story 
Sometimes Blake is very tired so we don't always read him a story as he can get rather grumpy but
It's a lovely moment of quality time before bed when we do. 

Blake loves having the music playing on his My Pal Scout to help him off to sleep. 
Once he has dropped off we sneak in and take it out so he don't roll on it and 
turn it on during the night. 

My tips: 

1. Stick to a routine this helps children to feel safe and secure

2.  Use lavender scented products 
we use Johnsons night bath and lotion which has a calming relaxing lavender scent. 

3. Make before bed quiet time 
read a story and/or play gentle music.

4. Make sure the temperature of the room is normal
we have a Gro Egg which changes color to let us know if it is too warm or too cold. 

5. Make sure that the curtains/blinds are closed if light is still getting in
a black out blind is good idea.

The people over at the Bed Guru kindly sent me over hamper that will help me  to unwind after Blake is finally tucked up in bed. The hamper includes; Bettys tea room tea and biscuits, Yorkshire Soap co. candle,  coconut and Shea butter face mask and Sally Hanson French manicure kit. 

I also have a hamper to giveaway to one of you lucky readers. 
All you have to do is complete the rafflecopter below. 

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