Size HH Book review

I've been pretty guilty over the last month or two of getting sucked into the 
world of Netflix and Pretty Little Liars.
This has meant that sitting down and reading a good book hasn't happened as often as
I would have liked. I however made time to read this little self help type book. 

Size HH (Happy, Healthy) written by Eva George is an easy to read pocket guide all about how to feel great about yourself, ditch the scales and focus on health for long term weight control and happiness. The book has 4 fab sections about the mind, nutrition, exercise and lifestyle. 

The book is for busy women and Mum's (like myself) who want to: 
• Lose excess weight without dieting or going hungry 
• Change unhealthy habits for life 
• Create a more positive body image 
• Learn how to use food as a tool to feel and look better than ever 
• Instantly improve figure and wellbeing with stretching, posture and breathing techniques 
• Tone parts of your body without dedicating hours of time, or disrupting your current lifestyle.

The Mind section has really helped me to think about why I maybe having issues with my weight recently. I am ashamed to say I have gone back into old habbits and now weigh a little bit more than I did when I was pregnant with Blake. This section has helped me to realise until I have a positive mind set loosing weight just isn't going to happen. 

The Lifestyle section has also helped me with thinking of things and how 
your lifestyle can impact on your weight loss. One of the tips is to change one of your habits so from now on I am going to try and change the habit of grabbing for chocolate straight after dinner. This has always been my downfall as I tend to be good during the day. 
My 3 meals a day are healthy but I end up over indulging with chocolate and other unhealthy sugary snacks in the evening when I'm not even hungry. 

The nutrition section is about most things we know we should be doing sometimes we need reminding of. Such as drinking more water, eating slower, eating a healthy breakfast such as porridge and other tips and advice in regards to eating well. 

The exercise section has great ideas for helping to tone up your body from ideas on how to 
fit toning up exercises into your day to stretching and breathing techniques. 
This section has been helpful to me as it gives me ideas on toning up when cleaning, standing, doing the laundry etc which I definitely want to start implementing into my day to day life.

Size HH can be purchased on Amazon. 

Do you think this is the type of book for you? 

comment below. 

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