Blake has been having Swimming Lessons for eight months now and there are some essentials for going swimming with a baby. Blake loves his weekly lessons and its such a delight to see his excitement when getting in the pool. One thing is that he hates with passion the changing rooms. He will scream and cry until we are out of there.
Anyway on to the essentials.
Nappies and Swim Nappies
We take a couple of Huggies little swimmers with us which Blake wears under his splash about cloth nappy. Its always good to make sure you have a few your regular nappies with you for after swimming.
Swim wear
For you and for baby. Blake wears a splash about wrap in the pool to keep him extra warm.
You can also purchase swimming costumes for both boys and girls.
One for you and one for baby for keeping warm and dry after being the pool.
We use a regular towel but you can also use hooded towels for babies.
Coin for lockers
We have forgotten our pound coin for the locker once but was lucky that the pool was able to give us some change. We now make sure we always have one with us.
Changing Mat
We like to use our own as the changing table at our local pool is very hard and cold for Blake to lay on. You can buy special swim ones too but we have chosen not to.
After swimming your baby is going to be most likely hungry. We keep snacks in our bag to make sure if Blake is hungry after we don't have to rush to a shop.
Do you pack anything else when you go swimming with your little one/s?