Running a home can be hard work when you have a little one running around and making mess wherever they go however there are things you can do to help run your home more smoothly.
Designate a play area
For us our living room is where Blake plays the most. We allow him to also play in his room also but try to stick to the living room so there aren't too many toys all over the place.
Cover the sofa
Using a washable throw is a great idea to protect your sofa from sticky finger marks and it can just be chucked into the washing machine.
Tidy as you go along
This is a habit that we need to start doing more often as it will save us a lot of time in the long run.
Great storage solutions
Toys get everywhere and so having a wide range of places to keep toys out the way is important. We have fold-able storage boxes in our living room, a main toy box in Blake's room, a set of drawers we keep games in and a handy bookshelf that we also use baskets on. You can find so many different ideas online to find something that is right for you and your home.
Door mats
Use 2 door mats one for outside and inside your door this will help there to be less dust enter your home.
Have an area for coats and shoes to go
I find that coats and shoes tend to get dumped on the floor so we have an area for shoes in our hallway. If you are able to having coat pegs in easy reach for children is a great idea.
Order larger bottles
Order larger bottles of shampoos, conditioners and body wash. This means you will have less bottles dotted around and they will last longer. This can also apply for other items around your home not just for the bathroom.
Cleaning Products
Having a cleaning kit is ideal I have post on what I include in mine here. My favourite cleaning must haves to make life easier are: cleaning wipes, magic erasers, squeegee , cloths , a good hoover and steamer.
Invest in items that save you time
Forget soap bars, buy flip top toothpastes, invest in a toothbrush holder, have a toilet role holder that you don't have to unscrew each time to replace one,
Over the door organiser
These are so handy we have Blake's soft toys in his one but you can put in so many different things in them to keep rooms organised especially for children.
Laundry Baskets
We have one in our room and then for Blake's stuff in his own room. This way the clothing don't get all mixed up.
Encourage children to help
For example Blake loves helping with the washing. We get him to fill the machine, we put the powder in and then he turns it on for us. He also likes to help us put toys away and is starting to have more interest in the hoover.