Silk'n Tightra | An update

Over the past 2 weeks I've been trying out the Silk'n Tightra. A device aimed at helping to  prevent incontinence and to tighten and firm the vaginal muscles.

One of my regrets is not listening to my midwife about doing my pelvic floor exercises, after having Blake as I thought I'd be ok. Turns out I was wrong and it also seems that bladder weakness especially after having a child isn't really spoken about.

It's recommended to use the Silk'n Tightra device twice a week for 20 minutes and after 4-5 weeks you will get noticeable results.

Currently I'm 2 weeks in to trialling the Silk'n Tightra. You can use the device both internally and externally. It's non invasive and has different energy modes so that you can find what's comfortable to you. The Silk'n Tightra comes with intimate gel that you apply to the chrome electrodes before using.

When you first use the Silk'n Tightra device for the first time you will find that you will find an intense warm feeling which I was surprised about. I've got use to this after a couple of uses.

In my next post I'll be sharing my results after using the Silk'n Tightra for a few more weeks.

* I've been gifted the Silk'n Tightra  in exchange for trialling and reviewing. However all thoughts and opinions expressed are our own

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