This week I've had the common cold and it's made me wiped out. Luckily I am starting to feel better now. Obviously the Coronavirus is circulating and I've had a few worries about it. We've not taken to panic buying and in regards to stock piling in general we've always bulk purchased items like toilet roll, handwash and detol spray so I'm not worried about running out of them.
I've spent most of the week sneezing and dealing with a sore throat and when I have the common cold the number one thing I do is rest.
This week I've been enjoying hot chocolate and reading a book in the warm. I've also been looking at a online casino for something a bit different to do.
I've always been a homebody anyway and so not going out as much hasn't been too much of a problem.
When I get the common cold I always try and keep my fluid levels up. I also find spicey food helps and so Friday night we ended up having a curry. Another thing I do is put on my trusty diffuser with the four thieves essential oil.
I'm hoping this coming week will be a better one and fingers crossed germ free.