Thursday Blake broke up for half term and so we are making the most of it. We have the in laws visiting us next week for a few days and are looking forward to pumpkin picking etc.
Friday we made cinnamon swirls and they were absolutely delicious. We didn't make them from scratch but instead used the Jus-Rol premade dough which you can get six out of. Next time I definitely want us to have a go making them from scratch.
We have also had lots of fun doing some Halloween crafts together on Saturday. They were all pretty simple to do.
The Mummy tea light holder was simply a jar that we cleaned out. I spread glue all over the jar and then we wound bandage around the jar and added more glue over the top. Once dry we added the two googly eyes. You could use self adhesive bandage and googly eyes but we didn't have them in.