*This is a collaborative post*
Inquisitiveness is something that comes very naturally to most children, and it can be nurtured throughout their lives. It’s a concept that allows children to know when to be themselves, how to be creative and to build closer relationships with people.
To raise an inquisitive child, here are some ways that you can help them along their path, from the advice of a top girls prep school.
Use water play
Having your child hold cups and toys to show them how the flow of water changes is a fun way for them to discover how gravity works and the science behind it. They’re often holding a lot of objects that may appear unfamiliar to them, as they try to touch different parts of toys and as they hold cups in different ways depending on how much water is in them. Let your child be free to do as they wish when they’re playing in the water and see what catches their eye.
Encourage your child to take part in extracurricular activities
If your child is older and is dependent, you can give them a push to try out some new hobbies or activities with other children their age. A popular pick is joining the local Scouts organisation to test their skills in different areas such as cooking, cleaning, setting up camping equipment and orienteering, to name just a few.
Go on an outdoor adventure
Whether it’s a walk around the local area, a mountain climb or a walk in the woods - children have time to be themselves and wander within nature. So long as it’s safe to do so, allow your child to play, climb trees and take in the world around them in their own time. You can also help push them along by talking to them openly about what they see around them and what it means for them. Like for example, tell them the benefits of planting trees, or why we have wildlife reserves.