*This is a collaborative post
STEM is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. When referencing STEM subjects, one is usually talking about a subject that falls under one of those four categories, like Biology, Psychology, Astronomy, or Coding, to name but a few. With so many career opportunities nowadays seeking applicants with STEM qualifications, you may want to consider ways you can explore these subjects with your child at home. I have teamed up with a secondary school in Bath to share some advice.
Outdoor Play
Encourage your child to get outside and explore the wonders of nature. Perhaps invest in a telescope so that they can stargaze, or a pair of binoculars so that they can watch for birds. Encourage them to help you with the gardening or take a camping trip and teach them some survival skills. These are all ideas that will help your child with their STEM learning.
Water Play
This is a great activity for younger children who are still learning about the properties of different materials. Next time they have a bath, take some random items along like a piece of paper, a tennis ball, a plastic cup etc., and see if your child can determine what will sink and what will float, or what will absorb the water.
Board Games
Board games are great for teaching youngsters a variety of STEM skills, and the best part is they don’t even realise they’re learning because they’re having so much fun. Monopoly, for instance, is great for helping your child with their maths skills as it involves basic sums.
If your child seems interested, pop the car bonnet, and teach them all about the different parts and what makes it work. To be honest, even if your child doesn’t seem all that interested in cars, it’s worth showing them a thing or two anyway so that they can be prepared when they’re older and have a car of their own. For instance, you could show them how to top up the window washer or the oil.
Of course, these ideas merely scratch the surface when it comes to exploring STEM, so don’t be afraid to do some further research or come up with some ideas of your own.