Hydrating Foods To Help You Combat Dehydration

Dehydration is a health risk, especially during the summer months. To avoid dehydration ensure that you're getting enough liquids from your drinks and food. You don't need fork out on expensive or fancy electrolyte replacement drinks or shakes to stay hydrated.

Dehydration is a common health risk. It can happen when the body doesn't have enough fluids to function properly. The summer can be a particularly difficult time because of all the activities that require you to sweat, such as hiking or playing sports. Avoid getting dehydrated by getting enough fluids from what you eat and drink. This means you won't need expensive or fancy electrolyte drinks to combat dehydration, instead you can just drink water and eat these hydrating foods.

In this post I'm sharing the foods that naturally hydrate you. These can make staying hydrated on a hot, summer day a much easier process.

Hydrating Foods - Watermelon

When we think of hydrating foods we instantly think of watermelon. Watermelon has a water content of 91%, making it a great snack or dessert for keeping you hydrated. Watermelon is also quite cheap per serving if you buy a whole watermelon, slice it up and keep it in airtight containers in the fridge. It's definitely one of my favourite hydrating food options during the summer.


Broccoli is a highly nutritious vegetable that can be eaten raw or cooked. It's high in vitamins A, C, and K and contains potassium, calcium, and fibre. It also has a high water content which makes it great at hydrating you.

It can be eaten raw or cooked - you can snack on chopped up broccoli, add it to a salad or add it to many cooked meals for added hydration. I personally prefer it cooked and is one of my favourite vegetables.

Hydrating foods - Cucumber

Cucumbers are a low-calorie, high-water food. One cucumber contains about 25% of the daily recommended amount of water. Cucumbers also contain important nutrients such as Vitamin A, B6 and C, and potassium.

Add cucumber to your diet by snacking on slices throughout the day or by using it to dip into hummus.


Celery is a low calorie, high water content vegetable that can be enjoyed in multiple ways. Celery has very few calories and is low in sodium, so it's a great snack for dieters or people on the go. Celery can also be eaten as part of a meal as an appetizer or served as a side dish. I'll be honest I'm not a huge fan but if you do like celery it's a great hydrating option.

Iceberg lettuce

This popular salad lettuce has 95% water content, making it a great hydrating food. As well as adding it to your salads you can use it in place of bread or tortillas to get more water into your diet.

Some people also like to chop it up and add it to cooked dishes such as casseroles and pasta meals.


Strawberries are a staple of summertime desserts. They are versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes. You can use them to make fruit salads, smoothies, or dips to serve with other summer favourites like ice cream or cake. I also like to add them to overnight oats for a delicious filling and hydrating breakfast.


Tomatoes are a great way to add to your hydration because they are 94% water. Cherry tomatoes can be eaten on their own as a quick snack. The larger varieties can be sliced and added to salads, sandwiches, pasta dishes and more.

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