Ad – review. I was sent a copy of this book for review purposes and all thoughts are my own.

Today I am also involved in the book tour for One Summer by Taylor Cole. Taylor Cole grew up on a council estate in Devon and is of Armenian heritage, via her maternal grandmother who survived the Armenian genocide as a child refugee. When she was twenty-one, Taylor left university to run away to Cyprus and live in a men's barrack block with her military boyfriend, but returned the next year to finish her BA in English, which she followed with a master's degree in Creative Writing. She lives in Newquay with the military boyfriend-turned- husband, two daughters and an eighty-year-old tortoise called Shelley who was found wandering the streets of Plymouth in 1958.

About the book

Two people. Two pasts. One summer to fall in love.

Caleb is a former professional surfer trying to build his life after a career-ending accident. Lindy has moved to Loor island to start a new life, combing the shores for sea glass to weave into

jewelry. When the two meet, sparks fly – but not the good kind. Then they discover they’re neighbours, and they’re stuck with each other for one, long summer. As they slowly learn to trust each other, and find themselves sharing their stories that brought them to Loor, their dislike begins to unravel into friendship, then maybe something more. But will the weight of their pasts ruin their chance of a future?

One Summer is an easy summer read that is set on a obscure Cornish Island. Lindy escapes London life after finding her boyfriend is in love with someone else and is close to loosing her job. She takes on a job on the Island as a pet sitter for six months. Whilst there she meets a rather strange bunch of residents including Caleb who's first impressions don't go down well of each other. Caleb also turns out to be her grumpy neighbour on the Island and Lindy starts to realise that she is attracted to him. 

There isn't much romance within the story and it was pretty much too slow burning for me. If you are into romance especially with spice than this probably isn't the book for you as it felt more like women's fiction. I'd say romance side of the book was within the last 15- 20% of the book.

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