Christmas is fast approaching with under 7 weeks to go.
I say the same every year where has the time gone?!
So here is my Christmas Prep for 2013 and on how we have managed to keep
a budget and stick to it!
This year we are buying for :
- My Mum
- My Nan
- My Grandma
- My Sister
- Stuart's Mum
- Stuart's Mum's partner
- Stuart's Dad
- Our two nephews Finn and Micah
- and the two people we were given with our families round robin
who are my Sister in Law and Stuart's Sister in Law.
Which totals to £120
For each other we are spending for £40 each this year rather than £50
which makes our Christmas Budget this year
= £200
For cards, wrapping paper, gift labels and decorations
we have a budget of £10
We also have quite a few birthdays so close to Christmas
- My Nan's
- My Father In Laws
- My Sisters
How we have made it cheaper this year!
- I have won a few items which have come in useful for gifts for my Mum and Grandma
- I received a £50 Amazon giftcard which has helped a lot
- I shopped in Primark for my Sister in law and Nan so saved £s on some lovely items
- I found a rucksack in Aldi for £5 rather than spending £12 for one on Amazon as a gift
for my hubby.
- We've not needed to buy any labels this year but have got a pack of 50 Christmas Cards
in Card Factory for £1.99.
- For wrapping paper we have got some from Primark for £2 for 2 roles which should last us.
- The only decorations we will probably get this year is a poinsettia for the window
sill but to be honest we may not even bother to save us a couple of £s or so.