The last two weeks have gone so fast and Blake is now 6 weeks old
and we have our 6 week check on Thursday.
Blake is feeding well and having 8 bottles a day of 120ml cow and gate formula.
He got weighed on today and now weighs 9lb 50z!
Considering last time he was weighed at just over 2 weeks old he weighed 6lb 14 oz
I am glad that he has put on a good amount of weight.
As for sleep he is more alert now late morning and early evening which has meant
that the nights are slowly getting better.
He still takes awhile to settle in the moses basket at night but once he settles down normally around 1 am he will sleep for about 4 hours before waking up for another bottle.
He is getting much stronger now and trying to hold his head up and also trying to roll
over one way. I don't think its going to be too long before he can do it.
Blake is now fitting in size 0-3 months clothing and still fitting in a few of the newborn size
He is still wearing size one nappies but I am hoping to start trying him in cloth nappies
soon as I think he will soon be big enough to fit in the ones that we have brought for him.
I need to book him in for his first lot of immunizations for two/three weeks time.