Last week we saw our health visitor and he was weighed again so he now weighs 9lb 110z as of last Thursday.
He is really good at night now but still takes awhile to settle.
He seems to sleep better on nights when he has had a bath which I am trying to get
into a routine of doing every 2 days (even though he hates it).
As of today he is now drinking 180ml of Cow and Gate every 3/4 hours.
He loves his dummy at the moment and uses it for when I settle him to sleep.
As for his development he is now cooing loads and follows me around the room
as well as looking at me when I am talking.
Last Friday he smiled at me for the first time and it definitely wasn't wind.
He is much stronger and is able to hold his head up now for a few seconds.
Blake is also focusing more on objects now and especially loves his hands.
He is still wearing size 1 nappies and I've not had a chance to try him out in cloth nappies as of yet.
I've been so busy organizing things and trying to get into a routine especially since moving
back in with my mum.