When it comes to choosing a school for your child, there’s a lot to think about to make sure you find one that meets their needs and yours.
From type and size to facilities and culture, here are some things to consider to make sure you find a school that’s right for your child.
Type and size
The first thing that’s important to think about is the type of school you would like your child to attend. For instance, do you prefer public or private education, or do you feel sending your child off to a boarding school in the UK will work best for you and them? Perhaps you also want your child to have a religious education.
It’s also a good idea to look at the school’s size. While you should look at how big the school is and how many children are enrolled there, this is more to do with the size of classes and the number of classrooms. This isn’t to say that your child will be more focussed and perform better in a smaller class. But it’s important to see that each school year has its own class, and that classes aren’t too big so that teachers can’t help, observe or support all pupils when they need it most.
Teachers and safety
When it comes to teachers, obviously you should look for evidence of those who are good, qualified and experienced. But it’s also important to see that the working conditions are good for the teachers themselves, so they are able to perform to the best of their abilities for your child. For instance, it’s worth finding out if they’re well supported by other staff and that they have the resources they need.
Safety is also a key factor when choosing a school. You should look at the cleanliness of the school and its general health and safety procedures. It’s worth also looking at the standard of site facilities and equipment, which your child will use each day, whether for different subjects or sporting activities.
Facilities and school culture
You should also look at what facilities the school has to support your child’s daily needs and their learning. This can range from basic necessities, like toilets, cloakrooms and changing rooms through to good classroom facilities for lessons, computers, and a well-stocked library. It’s important to also look for features that should help your child enjoy their experience of school, keep tabs on their health and fitness, improve their social skills, and encourage them to pursue current and new interests. This could include things like a good playground and sport, art and music clubs.
With this in mind, it’s also a good idea to look at the school’s cultures and whether or not that is a good match for you and your child. For instance, does the school heavily focus on sport? Or does it have a department dedicated to music and drama, such as a choir or drama group, which would be good for your child to join in later years?
Other things to think about when choosing a school
Location – is the school easy to travel to?
Friends – Will your child’s friends attend the school?
Results – What are the school’s previous academic results?
Polices – What are the school’s polices in dealing with things like bullying and disruptive behavior?
When thinking about all these things, it’s wise to look at what meets you and your child’s needs, as well as what will fit best with your child’s personality, strengths and interests. You should also consider how it will sit with your own values and family life. By knowing information like this, you should find a school that’s right for you.