Good Bubble make natural and fun bath stuff to get you squeaky clean and open you and your family up to some new discoveries too. From the superfruits that take pride of place in our bottles, to their journey from far away lands and the way it’s all put together at a family business in the heart of England. We bring you gorgeous, gentle formulations that truly nourish your hair and skin. Rich in nutrients, free from harsh chemicals and kind to the planet. Made with only the best intentions. No tears. No nasties.
Good Bubble are giving my readers a chance to win one of their gift sets.
There will be two winners. One person will win the Clara set which contains a cloud berry bubble bath and cute bath mitt. The other winner will win a Dexter set which includes a dragon fruit bubble bath and cute bath mitt.
For a chance to win all you have to do is complete the rafflecopter below.
-To enter you must be 16 and over
- This competition will close on 13th June 2017 at 12.00am GMT
- The winner will be chosen at random and notified via email, twitter or facebook
- If the winner doesn't reply within 30 days another winner will be drawn
- The Prize will be sent directly from Good Bubble
a Rafflecopter giveaway