Living Arrows - 36/52

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” by Kahlil Gibran

A week today will be Blake's first day of Pre-School and so I've spent this week sorting out what we need for him. He doesn't need a uniform and so I have got him some clothing that he can wear for Pre-school only which I will need to label. 

We have also sorted out things like backpacks for him and so this weeks photo is of him trying one out. He loves wearing it and I feel that it makes him look far too grown up than I am ready for. 

This week we are going to make the most of spending time with him. Although he is only going to be in Pre-School 2 hours in the afternoon Monday to Friday it still feels like such a big step for both of us as Blake has hardly left my side since he was born. 

Living Arrows

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