Christmas Traditions you can start this year

I love Christmas traditions there is something about having a child that makes Christmas all the more special, don't you think? 

I wanted to share with you today some of our favourite traditions and hopefully inspire you to do some too. 

1. Christmas light switch on
This is something that Stuart and I did every year until we had Blake has he is noise sensitive. However as he gets older we will start taking him and I feel it's a great tradition to start off the festive season. 

2. Decorate the tree/home together
We always try and decorate our home on either the 1st of December or on the first Saturday in December so that we can do it all together. 

3. Visit Santa
I love doing this every year even though Blake got a bit upset last year I am hoping that this year will be much better (Fingers crossed) 

4. Festive crafts
I like to try and do a few festive crafts such as making cards for the grandparents. 

5. Writing to Santa
I'm starting this one with Blake this year of course he is too little to write himself so I will be helping. 

6. Christmas music
I love to put Christmas music on repeat in December to get into the festive mood

7. Christmas movies
Nothing better than crashing out in the evenings/at weekend on the sofa with a good Christmas film on. 

8. Christmas Books
I started this tradition for Blake's second Christmas, we get the same books out each year and read them together. 

9. Sensory Activity 
Last year I did a sensory tuff tray with Christmas decorations for Blake to play with. This year I have some little fake snow for him to play with.

10. Go and see a panto 
This is something we plan to do in a few years time hopefully as not sure how Blake would cope with it. 

11. Christmas baking
Last year we made Christmas cupcakes. This year we may do the same or gingerbread men

12. Christmas Eve basket
I love doing this tradition it's definitely my favourite to do. You can see here what I put in Blake's last year to get an idea. 

I am planning on doing a separate post on all of our Christmas Eve traditions to give you more of an idea of what we get up to. 

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