The festive season is fast approaching but don't worry you still have time to make and save money in time for the festive season.
Making Money
Making more money for the festive season can be a lot more easier than you think depending on how much effort you put into it. Here are some of my ideas on what you can do:
- An extra job
Ok this is not something everyone will be able to do but hear me out. If you are able to why not take on an Christmas temp job to bring in a bit of extra money towards Christmas. Many shops/ warehouses need the extra staff to keep up with the demand.
- Sell your unwanted stuff
Have a clear out and sell the stuff you or family members you live with don't use anymore. I've managed to sell many items of clothing, toys and furniture before and other bits on ebay and facebook selling pages. There are also places such as CEX where you can sell items such as DVDs, games, mobiles and other electronics and some places online you can sell books.
- Sponsored posts
If you are a blogger than one way to make some extra money is by Sponsored posts which is something I do and its something definitely worth looking more into.
- Other ways
There are other ways to make extra money some I have tried and others I've not such as:
- Matched betting
- Surveys
- Mystery Shopping
- Apps such as receipt hog and shoppix where you scan your receipts to get points which in return = cash or amazon vouchers.
- Bingo games
You can browse online bingo games and find a wide range of ones that are fun to play. Why not also check out these six ways you can make money online.
Saving money
Saving money is also a great way to make sure you don't get into debt when it comes to Christmas. I've never used a credit card to buy for Christmas and its something I'm proud to say as I don't want to be paying off Christmas and struggling come January.
Here are some things you can do to help you save ready for the big day:
- Budget
I usually set a budget of what I can afford to spend on each person and what we can afford on food, drink and days out such as a visit to see Santa.
- Cashback
When shopping online I tend to try and get cashback via quidco. My current bank also offers cashback on certain stores as well which is handy.
- Buy second hand
some people don't like this idea however I don't have any issues I've brought gifts for both Blake and Stuart that have been second hand and they still got used and I saved money doing so.
- Shop around
You may think Amazon works out cheaper but that's not always the case. Shopping around is a great way to save a few extra £'s.
- Homemade gifts
This is something I must admit we haven't done before. However its a lovely idea to be able to give a gift to someone that ha a personal touch and can save you money.
- Buy in Poundland
I love poundland Christmas decor at the moment and as most things are £1 it means I'm not spending loads of money to bring a bit more festive cheer to my home.
- Switch Utilities
This is the best time of year to do this as the prices tend to go up so its worth finding a better deal.
Do you have any other ideas on ways you can make and save money in time for Christmas?