Every Wednesday I will be bringing you a brand new guest series. I’ll be featuring some lovely bloggers who will be sharing their answers to reading/book related questions. I hope you manage to find some more wonderful blogs to read. If you’re a blogger and want to take part then get in touch!
This weeks instalment features Vicki From TippyTupps
Hi – I’m Vicki. I live in North Wales with my husband, two children and our big fat white cat. I blog over at www.tippytupps.com which is a parenting and lifestyle blog that follows the daily chaos of our lives.
A big thank you to Joanna for letting me take over her blog to talk all about books. So, let’s get started.
What book(s) are you currently reading?
I’m currently ready Matilda by Roald Dahl and am loving it (again!). I am taking part in a reading challenge and one of the categories is to “read a book from the decade you were born”. As it was written in 1988, it fit the category perfectly.
What book is next on your “to be read” list?
I have so many!! My kindle is bursting with downloaded books and my bookcase can’t hold much more. I think I fancy something a little more serious after Matilda though, so Force of Nature by Jane Harper or Friend Request by Laura Marshall are both standing out from my bookcase at the moment.
What is your favourite genre to read?
I genuinely don’t have a favourite as it completely depends on what I am in the mood for when I am browsing for my next book. I enjoy thrillers, horrors, modern, chick lit, romance, sci-fi, fantasy…..you name it and you’ll find that I’m probably willing to give it a go.
Who are some your favourite authors?
Stephen King has always been a firm favourite. I am absolutely in awe of his imagination and his ability to turn his fantastical ideas into such amazing stories. I’ve also a soft spot for both Roald Dahl, C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien from my childhood. James Herbert, Charlies Dickens, Jane Austin, Riley Sager, Cassandra Clare and Gillian Flynn all stand out for me too. I really will read anything!
What are your top 5 favourite books?
Thinner by Richard Bachman (Stephen King), Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austin, The Host by Stephanie Meyer, The Final Girls by Riley Sager, His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman….argh there are just so many. Can I have more?!
Paperback vs digital books - which do you prefer and why?
Paperback time and time again. I just love the feel of a ‘proper’ book in your hands. I just don’t think you can beat the old school physicality of it all. However, there is a lot to be said for the kindle and I find it so easy for travelling, holidays etc. Also, I always get rid of physical books once I’m finished with them as I just don’t have the space to keep them. Therefore, I see the benefit of both, but my preference will always be hardcopy. It’s a heart vs. head debate for me!
What was your favourite book or series of books as a child?
The Wind in the Willows. I loved it so much. Also, I had an old edition of fairy tales which was full of the most amazing pictures that I used to love just looking at before I could read it. I still have both books though there are a little worse for wear now.
Do you ever cheat and skip to the end of a book? Why do you do it?
Nope. I’m a completer finisher when it comes to books. Though I have been known to speed read through to end to the end as I’ve NEEDED to know how it ends. That being said, I just couldn’t get through book one of Game of Thrones (hides from backlash). It takes a lot for me to give up on a book and unfortunately that is one of only 2 books I’ve never finished.
Do you hang on to your books once you've read them? Or do you prefer to pass them on to a charity shop / a friend?
I get rid of them. I have a handful that are a little special that I’ve kept but 99% of the time I pass it on. It gets offered to friends and family first and if there are no takers, it goes to charity. If I really love a book and know I will want to read it again, then I will sometimes re-buy it in digital edition for ease of access and storage!
Do you read one book at a time or do you have multiples on the go?
I’m a one book at a time kinda gal. I like committing to a story and seeing it through to the end before moving onto the next. I don’t know why but juggling more than one at a time just feels wrong and I’ve never been able to bring myself to do it!
Describe your ideal reading nook
Ooh, it has a nice big comfy wingback chair with footstool to put my feet up. A nice reading lamp for reading sessions which go on late into the night with a fabulous side table for keeping my brew on. I’m working on getting one in our living room!
And that’s it…thanks for reading! And thank you once again to Joanna for letting me take over her fabulous blog today.
You can find Vicki over on: