2018 Goals (How we did)

I can't believe another year has flown by and that its already time to look back at my 2018 Goals and see how I've done. 

When I look back I realise that even though the goals I set were achievable there are just too many of them. In the 2019 I definitely won't be setting as many.

BLUE = Done RED = Didn't 

- Read more and share my reads on here 
(I managed to stick to this one sort of as sharing my reads just started filtering off )
- Sort out my finances ( Didn't really happen) 
- Get rid of clutter  (Done, but on going
- Meal plan 
- Give blood
- Get a new tattoo  (I got a beauty and the beast rose themed one )
- loose at least 2 stone
- Plan Blake's 4th Birthday party ( In December) in advance (Done but we did a holiday rather than party in the end) 
- Write in my Happy Journal each day (Did well up until Ocober)

- Increase my DA ( highest its been so far is 31) Got up to 35
- Join in with more linkys
- Focus on the Tactical Tuesdays linky I co host
- Grow my social media ( By the end of the year I'd love to have double the amount of followers with any luck)  (Grown but definitely not double) 
- Grow my views   (stayed about the same) 
- Get into a better routine of blogging
- Batch blog/ schedule posts
- More blog collaborations
- More sponsored work
- Be more blog organised ( I'm awaiting a planner I have ordered)   ( ended up using the planner once and gave up) 

- Budget
- Put X amount of money away each week and 4 weekly
- Put a % of sponsored post money away into savings each time I'm paid
- skim my bank   ( I make sure every week money goes into savings 
Do a weekly or weekend spending ban 
- find ways to save more on bills 
- find ways to make a bit more money 
-  save £1 coins into a tin 

As a couple: 
- Go out for Afternoon tea
- Try out at least 2 new restaurants
-  Take more photos of the 2 of us
- Do something special for our 10 years of being together
- Go to the cinema 
- Go Bowling
- See a show  ( Tim Vine) 

As a family: 
- Go to Mead Open farm
- Go to Whipsnade zoo
- See in the night garden live
- See Teletubbies live   ( At butlins) 
- Go to the beach
- Have at least one holiday
- Go Swimming
- Go to Rushmere
- Visit Gulliversland 
-Visit Cadbury World
- Visit a National Trust place
- Have a picnic
- Visit the splash park
- Visit soft play a few times outside of Leighton Buzzard 
- Eat out at least once for breakfast 

As you can see it's been very mixed on what I've managed to achieve. 

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