Fixing your Pelvic Floor With the Silk'n Tightra

It seems an unspoken understanding between all women that after giving birth your vagina is never the same again. I was reminded constantly from the hospital, midwife and health visitor after having Blake that I needed to do my pelvic floor exercises regularly. I was naughty and didn't do them as often as I should have done. 

This has meant that since having Blake I struggle with bladder weakness. So I have the joy's of leakage when coughing, sneezing and laughing and going on a trampoline is a no go. 

It may have been over 4 years since I've had Blake however it's not too late to try and improve my pelvic floor muscles thanks to the Silk'n Tightra device aimed at helping to  prevent incontinence and to tighten and firm the vaginal muscles.

I'm going to be trialling the Silk'n Tightra which aims to give noticeable results in only 4 -5 weeks. It's reccomend to use the device twice a week for 20 minutes for best results and  can be used both internally and externally. There are different energy modes so that you can use what's comfortable for you. 

How does the Silk'n Tightra work?

Silk’n Tightra uses Bi-Polar Radio Frequency technology to tone and tighten both the vaginal walls and the pelvic floor muscles. 

The technology works by renewing the skin inside the vagina, increasing blood flow and encouraging new Elastin and Collagen fibres to be created.

Shaped like a spatula, it contains 16 gold and chrome electrodes that have been specifically created for internal use.

Who Can Use Silk’n Tightra?

 The device is not suitable to be used if you are: 
Pregnant breastfeeding, have a metal internal birth control inserted or have any abnormal medical conditions or treated for one in the last 6 months. 

I'll  be sure to update you soon with how I get on. 

The Silk'n Tightra is available at Currentbody for £229 

* I've been gifted the Silk'n Tightra  in exchange for trialling and reviewing. However all thoughts and opinions expressed are our own.

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