Getting involved with World Calligraphy Day

Did you know that tomorrow (Wednesday 14th August 2019) is world calligraphy day? If you follow me on facebook/Instagram than you will most likely be aware that over the past 2 months I've been getting into calligraphy.  I wanted to start learning calligraphy so added it to my 30 before 30 list and I must admit I'm finding it harder than I expected it to be.

If you love the look of beautiful writing and don't know where to begin than World Calligraphy Day is the perfect time to start. World Calligraphy Day celebrates the art of calligraphy, hand writing, or any way of putting pen to paper and writing something special.

How can I get involved?

There are a few things you can do to celebrate world calligraphy day. Why not pop to a local art store and grab some supplies? You can find some great books to help you practise lettering. There are many products you can use for lettering such as pencils,markers, dip pens and fountain pens etc. There are even some free craft project downloads available at:

Say Something Special

Why not brighten up someones day by sending someone a letter? You can for example cheer up a child in care at the Birmingham Children's Hospital by sending a letter, drawing or message. Manuscript have partnered with Birmingham Children’s Hospital in the Say Something Special campaign that allows you to do this.

Send letters to:
Say Something Special
c/o Small Man Media
2nd Floor,
6 Waterloo Road,

Take to social media

Create some wonderful calligraphy to celebrate the day and share on social media.
Simply tag @ManuscriptPenCo using the hashtags #WorldCalligraphyDay  and #SaySomethingSpecial. 

Keep an eye of these hashtags for content including top tips, video reviews, competitions and much more.

Also head back over to my blog tomorrow for a giveaway that I am running as well.

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