Reading is my number one favourite hobby however I like to explore my creative side a bit more. Over the last year I've found 5 creative hobbies that I absolutely love to make time for. You don't have to be extremely talented either because trust me I'm not.
Colouring in
I always loved colouring in as a child but I didn't get really into the adult colouring trend as much until around year ago. I came across the beautiful secret garden colouring book by Johanna Basford and once I found the right colouring pens for me that was it. It's a great way for you to clear your mind. The image above is my favourite one I've done so far in the book.
I personally love journals with prompts as they really get me thinking. Last year I completed the Happy Journal by Fearn Cotton this year I've been jotting in various others I have. As for scrapbooking, it's a hobby that both adults and children can enjoy either together or separately. It's a great way to be creative and you can even make a digital scrapbook.
I have a sketchbook that I am trying to fill up by June next year as it's on my 30 before 30 list. I loved art at school but I'm definitely not amazing at it. I'm wanting to make more time for doing this and start using more mediums in there.
Whether taking photos for my blog posts or social media photography is a great way to get inspired. One of the things I really want to do is start getting photos printed off more especially ones of Blake and the 3 of us making memories as a family.
Calligraphy is another creative hobby I added to my 30 before 30 list and i definitely need lots more practise. There are some great books available, I picked up some from the Works as they are a great place to get them from.
What creative hobbies do you enjoy?