8 Autumn crafts to do today

Yesterday morning was rather miserable so to occupy us for a bit we did some autumn themed crafts. We had some paper plates in our arts and crafts box so I knew just what I wanted to do with them.

You will need:
A paper plate
Yellow, orange and brown card
Googley eyes 
Pink felt tip ( for the rosy cheeks)
Biro ( for the smile)
Glue or double sided sticky tape

It was pretty simple to do all I did was cut out the shapes of the hat, nose and yellow strips and then we stuck them on. We then added the googly eyes, drawed sweet rosy cheeks and a smile. We also added a few stickers to the hat. 

The next craft was more simple to do but still lots of fun.

Autumn wreath 

You will need:
Paper plate
Leaves ( real or fake) 

Hole punch

All we did was cut out the middle of the paper plate and spread lots of glue around the edges and add the leaves. Once dry you can use a hole punch and add string to make it  a hanging wreath if you want to. 

I also asked some bloggers for their fun autumn activities:

Jenny from The Gingerbread House has a lovely post on using leaves to make a autumnal sun catcher. I love this simple but fun activity. We have some sticky back plastic already so will definitely give this one a go. It's also a great way for using up leaves you've picked up on your travels.

Becky from CuddleFairy has a great post on how to carve a pumpkin. This is an activity we've never done so these tips are going to come in handy this year as we plan to give it a go. 

If buntings are more your thing than check out Emma from Fullfild by latte post on Halloween a different way where she shares her felt bunting along with a template to download to make your own.

Jo from a rose tinted world has a great Autumn Bucket List  which also includes about making a autumn garland using leaves, conkers, pinecones etc you have picked up.

If painting is more what your child is into than the That's not my hedgehog sensory painting  from Julie at Pondering parenthood is a fun activity. Blake's very into painting and sensory so definitely got to do this.

Last of all how cute are these  autumn pinecone animals  from Becky at Blissful domestication. I definitely want to go on the hunt for some pinecones now.

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