How to Start Planning & Saving for Christmas Now

Christmas is just under 2 months away. Which means if counting October there are only 2 pay days left!  My main rule when it comes to Christmas is to not get into debt. This is why it's important to plan for Christmas NOW.

I love the run up to Christmas and definitely enjoy it more when we are organised. If you follow me you will probably be aware by now that we also have to factor in Blake's Birthday in December too as it's on the 16th.

Planning in advance means we can relax with a mince pie, mulled wine and enjoy visits to santa, seeing the lights, panto's and not have stress of crowds at shopping centres and supermarkets grabbing gifts etc last minute.

Book Tickets

It's a good idea to start planning days out and events and booking tickets as from experience places tend to sell out quickly. I'm planning to set time aside to see what events are on in our local area and find suitable santa grottos and pantos to see. 

As well as booking tickets for events and days out it's a good idea to book travel now as last minute will cost more and also you risk having to leave at the worst times or catch unnecessary connections. Luckily this year we are spending Christmas on our own as it's our first Christmas since relocating.


Whilst in planning mode I like to grab a pen and notebook and start planning for gifts. This way I know who we need to buy for and set a budget for each person. It gives me an idea then on how much money is needed.I'm definitely going to start looking into ways we can cut back on our spending such as:

1. Start a Christmas Fund
I tend to do this via the chip app as it automatically takes money from my account and I don't really notice. We also like to start putting loose change away each day into a tin. 

2.  Set a spending limit
Once I've got a figure in mind it gives me an idea of how much I need to out aside. I personally work out how much to put aside weekly and four weekly but it's whatever works out best for you.

3. Start buying now
I've actually finished all of Blake's gifts and some other family members ones too. Make sure you track what you spend so that you  stay within budget. 

4. Do it cheaply
Look for offers available. Especially on items such as toys. I also like to look at places such as Ebay and local selling sites. As for stocking fillers poundshop are great for this kind of thing.

5. Get creative
Why not start thinking of ideas for inexpensive and meaningful gifts. I'm definitely looking more into homemade gift ideas, this year.

I'm looking forward to sharing more Christmas related posts between now and Christmas Eve. This includes gift guides, money saving, events/daysout, adverts and much more.