This year I've really got into using Goodreads to track what books I've read. At the beginning of 2019 I chose to set a target on there of reading 60 books by the end of December. I actually managed to complete that at the beginning of December and so in total I've read 63 books this year. I'm hoping to finish book 64 by the 31st though.
I'll definitely be setting myself a challenge for 2020 along with other reading goals which I'll be sharing about more in tomorrow's post. Its actually lovely to see the stats from Goodreads and I've done a screenshot of them for you to look at.
How to raise a happy autistic child has be my favourite non fiction read this year. It's such a helpful insight into autism and really has helped with my understanding of what it's like for my son. I highly recommend this book if you have a child or a child in the family who is on the spectrum.
I've read two classics this year The Handmaids Tail and Wuthering Heights and out of both I definitely prefer Wuthering Heights. I plan to read more than 2 classics in 2020. I've also read alot of thrillers/crime/mystery books which was expected as it's my favourite genre. My favourite out of that category were the 2 by Cara Hunter In the Dark and No way out.
My favourite fiction book of the year is The Great Alone. Fantasy wise A curse so dark and lonely was a winner a for me.
My least favourite book of the year is a tie between The Stranger and Blood Orange. I finished reading them, but they were reads I just couldn't get into.
I've read some reads from my favourite authors and enjoyed A spark of light by Jodi Picoult. Lisa Jewels books were as great as usual. Nine perfect strangers by Lianne Moriarty was a bit of a disappointment. YOU I loved after having watched the Netflix show. The Secret library was a great book about books with facts I didn't know.
I'm pleased with the mixture of reads for this year and I definitely need to register at my local library in 2020. I definitely want to broaden my reading next year and read books I wouldnt usually go for such as poetry for example. Come back tomorrow to find out about my reading goals for 2020.