This week was half term and it has really flown by. Read on to see what we got up to this week.
Monday was Bank Holiday and we spent most of the day at home after a busy weekend. The weather was glorious so most of the day was spent outside. Blake played quite a bit with his friends out the front and then had time playing on his own in our back yard.
Tuesday was pretty much the same as Monday but we has my mother in law and her husband arrives they were visiting for a few days. It's been about 7 months since we last saw them due to covid so Blake was very excited.
Wednesday was very busy for us and we got quite a lot done. It started off with a trip to Richmond Park which is the other side of town. As you can see below not only is it a lovely park they also have an aviary. Then we stopped off at McDonald's for lunch and then it was off to soft play. Blake has so much energy that it was exhausting just watching him running around. After that it was time for dinner so we headed out a local pub and had a lovely meal sat outside.
Thursday was another busy day. Blake had a hair cut and then we headed out to a local farm. We had lunch when we arrived before we headed to the soft play area. It was definitely alot busier than the soft play we went to the previous day but Blake still had great fun. Once he had enough of soft play we headed outside and Blake took a liking to the jumping pillow so we let him play on that for a bit before we had a look at the animals. Blake loved stroking one of the ginuea pigs.
Friday was the last day with the in laws visiting. We headed out to a local country park but unfortunately due to it starting to rain we didn't get to stay there long. We definitely want to head there in the summer when hopefully we pick a day that is much better weather wise. We ended up going to Whisby which we go to often as they have a few animals to spot and a lovely little soft play area. After that it was pretty much time to go out for dinner. We had a gorgeous meal at our local Prezzo.
As it's been a busy week the last two days we have just been catching up with sorting out washing and not doing too much. Blake is back at school tomorrow which he is looking forward to.