What a complete change of weather we have had the past few days. It's arrived in good time ready for half term. Hopefully it's going to stay that way for awhile now. 

Yesterday Blake got to play out with his friends in the morning before we headed to the nearest park to us. I love taking Blake to parks as it gets him burning off some extra energy. Once home Blake wanted to be out in our backgarden playing with his water tray and we also got the Bubble machine for him. 

Today we had a lunch booking at the local Stonehouse Carvery. It's the first time since restaurants have been allowed open again that we have eaten out. It was very organised with table service. When getting a Carvery you go up the front and pick what bits you want. They then dished it all up and it was delivered to your table. We couldn't resist dessert after especially as Blake didn't touch much of his macaroni cheese. 

After leaving the Carvery we had a little Riverside walk and enjoyed the views. I love how blue the sky is, Blake is now back outside in the garden playing. He sure does like being outside as much as he can which this is the perfect weather for.

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