After managing to avoid it Covid came into our home this past week. Monday just before lunch we had a call from school to say that Blake needed to be picked up as the whole class was shutting due to contact with a positive Covid case meaning we needed to get him booked in for a PCR.
At the time none of us had symptoms so was expecting a negative result. We managed to get a PCR booked in for him Monday afternoon. Tuesday Blake had symptoms of a cold and a bit of a cough. That evening his results came through, he has Covid.
Wednesday both Stuart and I headed down to the local testing centre at different times so we could get tested. Both Stuart and I are fully vaccined and I've had my booster and lateral flows have been negative but we were told to get a PCR. I started get cold like symptoms which really made me anxious. Stuart got a negative result Thursday morning and my result (also negative) didn't come through until Friday morning so I spent the whole of Thursday checking my phone constantly.
Blake is really struggling with the isolation and has been asking to see his friends, go to school, the park and even to the shops. I'm hoping the next 4 days fly by so he can get out and about again. All being well next Saturday we will be heading to softplay with friends as an early birthday celebration for Blake.
Let's just hope in the meantime *touch wood* that we don't have any positive lateral flows.