*This is a collaborative post
As parents we can sometimes fall into the trap of doing everything ourselves. We’re too scared to delegate and get the children involved. Either we don’t have the patience, are scared and are doubtful of whether they will be able to do the jobs correctly. However, it’s key to teaching them the importance of hard work. Nothing in life comes easily and they will need to learn to persevere and be patient. As they do, they will become more resilient and develop a good work ethic which they will need for the future. Start by setting small chores and gradually build up. You can even start when they’re a toddler by getting them to pick up and tidy away their toys.
Below is some guidance that we’ve put together with a senior school in Devon on how to raise a hard-working child.
Work Experience
Adjusting to the world of work can be a shock for children as it’s unlike anything they’ve done before. At school they're able to socialise and are amongst their friends. Work experience can give children a brief insight into how workplaces operate, so that they’re able to adjust easily and understand the essence of time management.
You as their parent have the responsibility of setting a good example. Children look up to their parents for guidance so you can really hone in on this by making sure that you’re a reflection of what you’re trying to teach.
Be Understanding
Another piece of advice that we give parents is to be encouraging. Whilst it can be frustrating when they’re not doing as they're told, too much negativity can be bad as it can be demotivating. Instead, give them a helping hand if they need it, see where they’re struggling and make them see that it’s doable if they try.