How to Manage Your Child's Bad Behaviour

 *This is a collaborative post

Bad behaviour can spell a poor relationship between your child and their friends, family and most importantly - their parents. It can shape the way your child develops their skills over time, and can significantly impact their growth.

Thankfully, you’re not alone in handling poor behaviour from your child. There are many ways you can teach your child to develop their skills and help them to understand.

Pinpoint what causes a child to misbehave

At toddler age it can feel like it’s a lot more difficult to identify what could be causing your child to misbehave. It could be down to emotional reasons - for example, they aren’t able to comprehend their emotions and feelings just yet. It could be down to the environment they’re in - a lot of children can get upset about the prospect of heading to nursery school and being left alone. Or it can be down to their eating habits and how much fluids they’re taking on. Keep an eye on your child’s behaviour to pin down what could be causing their misbehaviour to tackle things early on.

Remain calm

Children, even at toddler age, are very perceptive and will be curious to see different reactions. Remaining calm is going to help with addressing the problem. Don’t raise your voice when you’re talking to your child; take a few moments before you work with your child to combat their behaviour. It will help you become less frustrated in the moment, and act your normal self when handling your child’s behaviour.

Ask your child questions about their feelings

The aim of tackling bad behaviour is working out what causes it and how the situation can be rectified. It helps your child learn more about you, as well as feel a lot more comfortable in their surroundings. Keeping up conversation can help your child understand themselves better and learn where this bad behaviour is coming from.

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