This week has been a rather slow week, we are still waiting to hear about
the flat we have put an application in for.
We've been organizing the flat so it will be easier for if we do move
to start packing.
How far along? 16 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 5lb I think
Symptoms: pelvic pain, itchy belly, emotional, slight nausea and sickness, only a few head rushes and tiredness not so bad atm.
Maternity clothes? Still not brought any I am trying to hold out as I am borrowing some
items and want to see what other bits I will need once that's sorted.
Sleep: waking up for loo trips now but not too bad as of yet
Miss anything? no
Food cravings: Ice cream and mars bars
Anything making you queasy or sick: The heat when on the bus
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy mainly
Best Moment this week: Listening to Babys' heartbeat yesterday
Looking forward to:
-My anomaly scan at the end of the month
- Feeling baby move