What's In My Changing Bag

I love being nosey and reading about what other Mum's carry around in their changing bag.Today I have decided to share with you what I keep in my changing bag. As a fairly new Mum I'll admit when I was pregnant with Blake I did read some 
"What's in my changing bag? "posts to give me an idea of the things I would need. 

I'll start off with the bag itself which I recieved last year. It is the Mama et Bebe Messenger by Pink Lining in the Wise Owl design. This is the only changing bag that I use. I do have a Silver Cross one that came with our travel system but its only been used once as it isn't big enough for our needs. 

3 Nappies, Nappy bags, Wipes

Most days I carry 3 nappies with me I've never needed that many though. When I know I'm going to be out all day though I do make sure to add more to my bag.

I use Aldi's Mamia disposables when out and about just for ease rather than using cloth and they are great quality for the price that they are.

I always make sure I take nappy sacks with me as I have found a few places don't have bins for you to put used nappies in so I have to take the nappies with me home sometimes. 

Wipes are very important as they can be used for everything from wiping down changing tables, toys and other things that are in close contact with your baby.  I use a range of brands at the moment I have got Morrisons little big wipes but mainly I use Aldi Mamia ones. 

Milk storage dispensers, Tommee Tippee bottle, Milton Wipes

Since I formula feed Blake I use the Tommee Tippee powder dispensers when out and about for ease. I also make up a bottle of boiled water to take with me I make sure that I have it quiet warm as it is easier to cool it down than it is to heat it up as Blake is very fussy about the temperature of his milk. 

I occasionally take Milton wipes with me to clean toys when I go to Mum and baby groups as Blake dribbles loads at the moment. To save room in my bag most of the time I just use baby wipes for this kind of thing. 

Muslin, Bib, Sleep suit, vest

Blake is a very sicky and dribbly baby at the moment so I always take a Muslin with me  they are so handy and have some many different uses. I always pack a bib for when feeding Blake as not always a muslin on its own will do. 

A spare sleepsuit and vest is essentail when out and about as you never know when you will need them. I've not yet had a poo explosion when out with Blake but I bet if I forgot spare clothing than he would.  

Keys, changing mat, purse

The changing mat is from our Silver Cross changing bag that came with our travel system. 
I chose to swap the pink lining one with this one as it is more space saving and folds more smaller. I also like that it goes well with the colour of our changing bag too which is a bonus. 

x2 make up bags, nappy cream, hand gel, tissues, lip balm, dummy.

I seem to have lost the clear bag that came with the pink linging changing bag so have used these 2 spare make up bags that I own to put a few bits and bobs in. 

The nappy cream I am using at the moment is Sudocream. We own so many nappy creams in both full and sample sizes but I always have one in my bag.  

Hand gel is great when you are out and about and can't always wash your hands I have always 
had a hand gel in my bag even before becoming a Mum its so handy. 

Tissues are also very handy to have in your bag as you never know when they could come in handy. 

 I always carry around lip balm as my lips get very dry and sore since having Blake.

last of all I carry around a spare dummy, Blake loves his dummy and is always dropping it 
so its wise that I have a spare one on me. 

What are your changing bag essentials? Do you have anything different in from mine? 

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