What's in Blake's Memory Box

Hi everyone, I've been thinking of doing this post for awhile now. 
I love reading posts such as what's in your bag and have shown you what is in mine before.

 I decided that I wanted to show you what is in Blake's memory box.
It's not a post I have seen other bloggers do before. So I thought it would be a little bit 
different and give you some ideas for If you were thinking of putting a box together for your little one/s for when they are older. 

First of all I needed to find a good size box to fit in the bits that I want to keep of Blake's.
The one I chose was from TKMax, I purchased it awhile ago so don't know if they still do it or not.
It cost £9..99 which I thought was a really good price. 

First of all in the box is the cards that we received once he was born. 
We got so many congratulations cards from family and friends when Blake was born and I thought it 
was lovely for him to see them all when he is older. 

We added a newspaper to the box which has Blake's date of birth on it which Stuart was reading in the hospital. 

1st Christmas cards. 
Blake was 9 days old on Christmas day and he got a few special cards for his first Christmas from 
Mummy and Daddy, Nanny and from my Mum's friend Claire. 

His birth certificate's we don't have a proper holder for them yet so they are staying in the folder they were given in.

His scan photo's.
We had 3 scans during my pregnancy due to not being able to get measurements well at the first one so we
ended up having to go back the following week.  

Two lovely baby journals.
The smaller one I purchased myself and then the bigger one was a gift from where I use to work prior to having Blake. 

One of his first sleepsuits that he wore had to be in there.
This one says little and cute and is in newborn which we found was far too big on him 
but was still one of the first little outfits he wore. 

The Christmas bib was from one of my school friends as a gift and he wore it briefly on Christmas day and looked so cute in it. 
Blake definitely is the best (early) Christmas present.

The reindeer boots were from my sister which he also wore on Christmas day they are so cute and tiny. 

His Christmas outfit also from my sister. 
I had to keep it he wore it once for a few hours and looked so cute in it! 

Next we have some of his special christening gifts that he received. 
x2 bibles
silver cutlery 
personalized train money box.
We have most of his other Christening gifts dotted around his bedroom.  

Christening cards again it's there for him to look back on when he is much older. 

A little poem that was read at the Christening by the vicar and a special christening card from the church. 

I also had to include his christening candle in the box as well. 

Last of all is his plate that he made back near the beginning of the year. 
With his hand and foot print. 

I'm going to add more bits of course until the box is far too full. 
I know I'll most likely have things for his first birthday in there and I've recently found he tags
that he had on his hand and foot whilst he was in hospital as I had misplaced them. 

I'd love to know what you think of Blake's memory box? and also if you have one for your little one/s? 
comment below. 

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