Our favorite thing to do as a family is have a good day out. Whether its to the farm, zoo or even soft play. We love to find something fun to do at weekends! I've compiled a list recently of fun things to do this summer and it included going to an aquarium. When I was asked if I fancied going to the Sea Life Centre in London I jumped at the chance as it was one thing to tick off our list of things to do, as well as being something new for Blake to experience.
On Sunday morning we popped onto the train and then on the underground to get us to the Sea Life Centre. This trip also happened to be Blake's first time in London which made even more special.
Once we arrived we were lucky the queue wasn't too long and picking up our tickets were easy. Once we got inside we started to look around and explore what every zone had to offer. Blake absolutely loved it he was looking around in awe and clapping and squealing when he saw something that excited him. The sea life centre have attempted to include as many fun and colorful species as possible within the space they have.
As you go around the Sea Life Centre you follow a pre-planned route which is great in the sense you wont be able to miss any of your favorite marine life creatures. One thing I found tricky was that some areas were really busy and we found it tricky to move around with the buggy we also had the issue of being pushed out the way by some people who wanted to get closer to the front (mainly adults).
Overall though the attraction was a fun and enjoyable experience with a fab selection of interesting and colorful species. We didn't have much interaction with the staff to be honest but when we did they were polite and helpful. There were plenty of things to see and do and they had a huge message regarding conservation which was continual theme throughout the centre.
Our favorite zone of the Sea Life Centre has to be the penguin point which we found to be one of the busiest areas. Blake really loved seeing the penguins and it was great to see Blake having so much fun and how happy he was going around seeing all the different species.
I can't really fault anything in regards to the Sea Life Centre although maybe the prices are a little bit high. If your thinking of going it would probably be a good idea to book online as there are quite a few offers. Such as up to 20% off ticket prices depending on other attractions you may decided you want to visit.
Ticket Prices are as follows:
Adults: £23.50
Children Under 3: Free
Children 3-15: £16.95
Family: £70.64
Have you ever been to the London Sea Life Centre? If so I'd love to know what you think.
* We were provided tickets from Sea Life Centre London for the purpose of this post. However all photos, thoughts and opinions are of my own.