2017 Goals

I still can't believe that it is already 2017 which is just crazy, 2016 really did fly by. There is something about the new year though that makes me feel motivated to get things done and to actually complete goals that I set myself. 

So here are my goals for the year ahead: 

- Sort out my finances:
I plan on setting up a direct debit so that a set amount goes out of my account each week into my savings. I also want to start spending less and nothing is set in stone but I am thinking of doing a no spend month this year and a a few no spend weekends. I also want us to start taking money out each week for our food shop so that once the money is gone its gone in hope of sticking to a budget. I also am going to be looking into more ways on saving money. 

- Join in with blog linkys
This is something I have never really got around to doing and something I wish I had done sooner. 

- Take photos more
Yes I take photos for blogging but I want to get more everyday photos of Blake, of me and Blake, Stuart and Blake and the 3 of us as a family. 

- Grow my instagram following
This year I want to focus a lot more on Instagram for my blog

- Have more family time
I want to have more family days out this year and have a bucket list of things I'd like us to do which I'll be sharing with you soon. 

- Get rid of clutter/organise
I've started already and have got rid of quite a bit of stuff which has gone to the charity shop. I also want to make sure everything has a place to go and am in the process of finding better storage and organisation solutions so that I can do this. 

- Read more
Since having Blake I don't read as often as I use to and I really want to get back into reading and plan to read at least one book a month. 

So there you go these are my goals for 2017. I'd love to know what your goals are for the year ahead. 

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