Welcome back to the third #TacticalTuesday of 2018 with Vicky and I
If you have not joined in with this linky or need a reminder the idea behind the linky is that you share with us your Tactical Parenting posts/hacks for the week. This can be crafts, recipes, meal plans, reviews, parenting posts etc. Both old and new posts are welcome in the link up all you have to do is grab the badge at the end of the post and the rules are also stated below too.
If you are a regular reader than you will know that books are a big part of our lives. I've loved books and reading from a young age, so raising Blake to love books just as much as I do is important to me. At 3 Blake can't yet read but he does love his books whether its being read to or looking through them on his own.
There are many ways in which we can raise our children to be readers and I wanted to share with you how we are doing this with Blake.
1. Be a reader
If you want to raise your child to love books and reading than be a reader yourself. You are a role model and by seeing you make time for reading they will want to follow suit.
2. Make books accessible
Blake has a bookshelf that he can easily access with a wide selection of books. We also have a basket in the living room for him to access books there.
3. Visit the Library
We make sure we visit the library and choose a few books from there for him to take out so that he doesn't get bored of the books he has at home. It's free and you can make it a monthly or weekly visit for example.
4. Build reading into your routine
We always read to Blake everyday at different times when we can fit it in. Every night before bed while he is having his milk one of us will read him. It's part of his routine and something he looks forward to.
5.Reading traditions
We have some books for set occasions for example Easter and Christmas. On these Occasions out come the books and its great for Blake to rediscover them. We also include the same book each year in Blake's Christmas Eve basket (The night before Christmas)
This week's featured post is from Mummy from the heart (Parenting in the digital age). The internet is such a scary place and its so important to be one step ahead especially with how easy children can be groomed. It's so important for our children to also be taught to be aware of strangers.