My Facebook Page Got Hacked?

*I've had to set up a new Facebook page and would love for you to follow me. You can find ne here.

Yesterday has been a bit of a stressful time for me. Over the past few days I was unable to upload photos to my blogs facebook page and as others seemed to have problems too and I could still share links and reply to comments etc I didn't think much about it.

That was until yesterday around lunch time. I was able to a post a link to a blog post in the morning but as I went to share another I noticed that there was no box for me to actually write a post.

I decided to look at my pages settings when I realised that I was unable to access them as the option to do so was no longer there. Panic set in when I tried to click on messages and I had a notification pop up saying that I didn't have permission to access them and that I needed to get in touch with admin. 

After talking to a few other bloggers it's very much looking like I've been hacked. I've no way of accessing the page other than like a visitor although I can actually see my stats for the page strangely enough.  After doing a bit of research I've found out that admins can delete other admins permanently. I actually didnt have another admin so I can only assume someone managed to make themselves admin to remove me and have total control of the page. It's definitely something I didnt know about and thought was best to share incase you are unaware.

I've tried contacting Facebook but honestly there is no help. It's like there customer service is non existent. I'm going to keep trying to access the account but it's looking very unlikely.  The only way I can see that happening is if i can get through to an actual human which seems impossible as everything is auto response.

Starting my page again is upsetting as I had taken so much time and effort into the content  I shared over the last 5 years ( maybe longer) and that's all gone. Of course I could share all of the photos again on my new page but it's not the same. It's the comments, interacting with my followers and being in the moment when I've posted that made the page.

I've also heard recently of another blogger who got hacked but over on Instagram and lost her following which was so much larger than mine and she is having to start again from scratch too. She has shared a post which is really helpful about keeping your accounts secure. 

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