April has been a great reading month. I've managed to tick off 5 more of the popsugar reading challenge prompts and they have all been enjoyable reads.

Twenties Girl By Sophie Kinsella 
I've not read a Sophie Kinsella book in a long time. I love a good chick lit and Twenties Girl is a fun easy read. This one has ticked off the prompt "a book with twenty/20 in the title."

Reluctant Adult by Katie Kirby Author of Hurrah For Gin.
I picked this up as I was in need of a fun and relatable read. I absolutely love Katie Kirby and her honest laugh and loud tails. They are so relatable such as with anxiety, parenting and just being an adult. I think we could all do with giving this book a read.

Lies,Lies,Lies By Adele Parks 
This was picked for the prompt "The first book you pick out on a shelf with your eyes closed." Adele Parks in another author whos books I enjoy. Lies, lies,lies features some topics that come with a trigger warning due to some of the topics featured such as alcoholism and rape. I wouldn't fully count it as a thriller in my eyes but definitely had some great twists.

The Family Upstairs By Lisa Jewell
Lisa Jewell I can say is one of my favourite crime/thriller authors and I absolutely loved The Family Upstairs. I found it to be gripping and twisty and if you love this type of genre than I fully reccomend this one. I used this for the prompt "A book with the main character in her 20s."

The Flatshare By Beth O'Leary
The Flatshare has so much hype I was worried I wouldn't enjoy it as much as I hoped I would. I'm glad to say that wasn't the case and I absolutely loved this sweet story. If you have been meaning to give this a read please do. I picked this for the prompt "A book written by an author in her 20s."

The Neighbours By Nicola Gill
A great easy read. Not as good as The Flatshare but a lovely chick lit style read. This is for the prompt a book set in a place where the Olympics has been held ( London).