I always find this time of year hard. Yesterday marked 11 years since my Dad passed away. He was only 58 and I was 18 and it definitely has affected me in many ways.

My mum was able to put flowers on his grave for us yesterday.  Last year we were over there so I was able to put some myself and we have a photo of Blake at the grave as he was putting daisies on the stone.

I often talk about my Dad to Blake so that he knows about the Grandad he never met. We refer to him as Grandad in the sky. His other Grandad (Stuart's Dad) is now referred to as Grandad Star

Yesterday Blake loved looking at photos of his Grandad in the sky and also was referring to the flowers on his grave as Grandads flowers. I think it's important for us to talk about him even though he never got to meet him and know what a wonderful person my Dad was. 

I love how when I look at Blake he is a spitting image of my Dad as a child and it fills me with such warmth and joy.