*In collaboration with Fine Art America

Having a range of wall art such as posters, framed prints and even tapestries can make a difference to a room. If you are wanting a change and don't want to necessarily decorate than changing your wall art is a wonderful and simple way to make a difference.

The great thing about wall art is that you can choose from so many different options and styles and find something that is personal to you. We have quite a few different styles of prints in our home from floral to geometric.

Wall art is also a great option to change up a room if you are renting as from experience quite alot of landlords don't like you decorating. This way you can hang up your favourite peices and then when you move out just take them down. 

There are many different styles of wall art available so I thought I would share them with you:

Canvas prints
Canas prints tend to be the most popular style. You can get a simple and elegant piece that can be customised.

Art prints
These are usually art work that has been digitised and then printed onto high quality paper.  

Although similar to art prints they can be much more affordable as they are printed on thinner paper. They can be stuck directly on to the wall or framed.

Framed prints
Framed prints are traditional wall art that suit most settings. 

Metal Prints
A newish style of wall art is produced by printing images on to thick sheets of aluminium.

Wood Prints
Wood prints are great for giving the rustic feel and produced by printing images onto Wood.

Tapestries are a great lightweight option.

When it comes to wall art there are so many great collections and themes available and you can get ones to suit whatever room you wish. I have shared a few designs I recently come across and love in this post to give you inspiration.

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