*This is a collaborative post*
As Pablo Picasso once famously said, ‘Every child is an artist – problem is how to remain an artist when he grows up.’
And what a problem adulthood presents. For most of us, those days before bills and work, punctuated with six-week summers, are a halcyon era wistfully longed for.
If you dream of reclaiming your childlike enthusiasm and lust for life, check out these three tips to nurture and unleash your inner child.
1. Find space to be uninhibited
As ‘adults’, we’re constantly watching what we say and do to perform learned socially acceptable behaviour.
The state of being uninhibited and carefree is hard to come by once we reach a certain point of adulthood. But it’s not impossible to reclaim, and in fact, physical activity is often a great way to return to that state of absolute freedom.
Rock climbing is a great way to get that adrenaline rush, as are outdoor adventure experiences like Go Ape. Alternatively, if you really want to connect with your inner child, companies who hire bouncy castles will even hire out their services to grown-ups. This is great if you have a big celebration coming up such as a birthday, or if you simply have no weekend plans and need to blow off some steam!
2. Seize missed opportunity
Do you have a wish list of experiences you wished you’d had as a kid?
Maybe you wished you’d worked harder in school, in which case, why not try an adult learning course to brush up on what you missed?
Or perhaps you find yourself looking in the mirror and wishing you’d had braces when you were young, but don’t fancy tram tracks. Investigate options from the likes of Portman Clear Brace Group to find alternatives.
Our younger years are formative in our adulthood confidence. So if you’re lacking a self-assuredness that you wish you possessed, revisiting the experiences of a typically younger person can help you reclaim the self-worth you know you deserve, and most importantly, stop questioning yourself.
3. Spend time with kids
When you want to learn, you go to the experts.
So when discovering your inner child, who better to teach you than those who are yet to learn how to hide theirs?
Spend time with the children around you. If you don’t have children of your own, why not offer your babysitting services to family and friends and make the most of time with their little ones?
Alternatively, if there are no children around you, or if you want to extend your impact and make a difference, consider volunteering with an organisation such as the Brownies, Girl Guides or Scouts. You’ll have the opportunity to enjoy exciting activities with them and have a powerful influence as a role model on young people, learning from them along the way.
These are just three ways to recapture the enthusiasm of your younger years and make the most of every moment.