2015 is here and it's time for me to set my goals for the year ahead.
The goals I am setting myself this year are again ones that I hope are achievable.
1. Start planning my meals
This will help so that we know what we will be having for dinner every day and will also help
to keep our food spending down or so I hope.
2. Try out some meals from my new recipe books.
3. Budget, budget, budget
We tend to be good at sticking to a budget most of the time anyway
but I want us to try and see if we can tweek our budget.
4. Organize our flat
I want the place to look a little more organised am not expecting the place
to be tidy not with a child around but it would be good to know where things are.
5. Sort out Blake's Nursery
I have so many ideas for Blake's Nursery so need to get
it all sorted for when the time comes for him to move in to his own room.
6. Plan Blake's Christening
We want to have Blake christened we have an idea for a date in July.
7. Loose the baby weight and some
I plan to get to my pre baby weight by October and hopefully
at target by December.
8. Take more photo's
Not just of Blake though
9. Plan my blog posts
I have some post ideas which I keep forgetting about so I need
to start jotting my ideas down.
10. Have more adventures
Holidays, days out, activities etc
I'd love to know what your new years goals/resolutions are.
9. Plan my blog posts
I have some post ideas which I keep forgetting about so I need
to start jotting my ideas down.
10. Have more adventures
Holidays, days out, activities etc
I'd love to know what your new years goals/resolutions are.