Living Arrows- 12/52

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”  by Kahlil Gibran

With a busy week with Blake having a hearing test appointment and also his 27 month review I can safely say its nice to share some of the photos I managed to take this week. 

The first one of Blake I love as he was just relaxed and chilled out watching tv whilst sat on sofa. I love moments like these with him as he is so cuddly and affectionate. 

 This photo was taken of Blake whilst we were waiting for his 27 month review. Blake decided that the chair was a car,I do love how imaginative children are. 

The third photo just shows Blake's cheekiness, we were out for a drink with my mother in law and Blake sat at the table like a big boy but within seconds of this photo being taken he was running around like the wind around the place and just being so cheeky getting us to chase him and giggling away. 

Living Arrows

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